MAUBURZ THE STRAGGLER (proprietor, main share holder) Originally, she wanted to settle down in Mordor, to open an armour shop. But she held the map upside down, so she ended up in Rivendell. Which, considering the fact that she was the only female, vegetarian Orc with perfect table manners in Sarumans army, must have been some sign from the Valar. Nursing a very orcish kind of admiration for Lord Elrond, she decided to stay in Rivendell, and took over the run-down "Ye Olde Needle-Work Shoppe" from Lady Arwen. After two months of renovation and organisation, she opened "Elf on a Shelf" to the public, and while the start was somewhat difficult (the house brand perfume "Eau de Mordor" didn't sell), today EOAS is the best little aroma therapy shop in Rivendell, and even Lord Elrond himself shops here to stock up his medical cabinet. |
"ELF ON A SHELF" TRIVIA - did you know that ... ... the proprietor wanted to call the shop "Orc on a Fork" in the beginning? ... we serve up to 300 customers a day? ... Lord Elrond's favourite aromatic oil ("Nuits sensuelles") is prepared specially for him, and not sold to anybody else? ... our security guard is an armed Mogwai called "Rizmo"? ... we have a green dragon on our premises to keep unruly elflings away? |
And now it is a bout time to introduce you to our staff. Not listed here are the sales clerks, as they change very often. |
MASTER ERESTOR OF RIVENDELL (click here to read Master Erestor's work reports) The chief advisor of Lord Elrond's household, Master Erestor, holds 20 % of the shares of EOAS, and is also the shop's scribe. Settled in his ways, serious and sensible, he's a no-nonsense elf with a good sense for business. When he is not busy to ensure that Lord Elrond doesn't turn up at the weekly council with two different shoes on, his favourite pass-time is arguing with Lord Glorfindel (see below), his old nemesis, who, like nobody else, manages to drive him up the walls of the Last Homely House. Glorfindel sometimes calls him "Goth Elf", because Erestor prefers to dress in black. |
GLORFINDEL OF GONDOLIN ***, legal residence in Rivendell The former chief of Gondolin's House of the Golden Flower and now an important and much-respected member of Lord Elrond's household, is the Middle-earth version of a pop star. Not only is he the only Elf we know of who has come back from Mandos' Halls of Waiting, he is also the legendary Balrog-slayer, who ensured that Tuor and Idril could escape with their son Eärendil - Lord Elrond's father. He's got his own fan-club and receives about 18 proposals a week - which he all declines. What it exactly is he does in Rivendell is not known to the public. According to Master Erestor, he's responsible for the testing of Lord Elrond's wine, but most probably Master Erestor can't be fully trusted in this point. Lord Glorfindel is an easy-going elf who appreciates the good sides of life, wine, music, art, love - plus confusing the somewhat puritan Erestor when ever and where ever he can. Especially since he married him. *** Our point of view that Glorfindel of Gondolin and Glorfindel of Rivendell are the same elf is non-negotiable. We asked Glorfindel - and if he doesn't know who he is, who knows then? |
Master Erestor (right) during the introduction of our new product "TWELF" to Lord Elrond |
Mauburz The Straggler, absorbed in her favourite pass-time: Elrond-watching |
Lord Glorfindel on his loyal horse Asfaloth during a ride in the early morning. Asfaloth does not hold any shares. |
KISS-AN-ELF (Or Hobbit. Human. Whatever.) ADVICE AND GUIDANCE "The Young Elf's Handbook" - A guide to courting and wooing. FUNNY BONES Animated music videos ("Lord of the Dance", "The Singing Legolas") and more ELF ON A SHELF UNIVERSE Staff / Erestor's biography and photo album / Last Homely Gallery / Ballad of Fin, the Balrog Slayer and more BEAUTY, HEALTH-CARE, HOBBY AND RECREATION Photomanipulations, Elf-Ads etc. GALLERIES Elrond, Haldir, Legolas, Elves, Orlando Bloom Gallery, Midsomer Murders, Graham Norton, TLR. Pirates of the Caribbean, Hugo Weaving ARTICLES Archive for all Lord of the Rings-related articles I wrote. GAMES THINGS YOU SENT US LINKS WEBRINGS GUESTBOOK MAIL US RAT PACK Official Magic Rat fanlisting |
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