Kissing Haldir? What an idea. Some really desperate and persistent admirers aside I don't know anybody who'd take the risk to climb around in Mallorn trees for that purpose. But now "Elf on a Shelf" gives you the chance to kiss your favourite Galadhrim without falling off a branch or being banned from Lothlorien for lifetime. And this is how it's done: Make sure the speakers are on. Move the mouse cursor to the place on Haldir's face where you'd like to kiss him, then click. You can do this as often as you want. If you want to start anew: "shift" and click. :-) And yes. If you really feel you must, you can also kiss Rumil ::howl::. Thanks to Terry and Sanders Evers for this script. |
KISS-AN-ELF (Or Hobbit. Human. Whatever.) ADVICE AND GUIDANCE "The Young Elf's Handbook" - A guide to courting and wooing. FUNNY BONES Animated music videos ("Lord of the Dance", "The Singing Legolas") and more ELF ON A SHELF UNIVERSE Staff / Erestor's biography and photo album / Last Homely Gallery / Ballad of Fin, the Balrog Slayer and more BEAUTY, HEALTH-CARE, HOBBY AND RECREATION Photomanipulations, Elf-Ads etc. GALLERIES Elrond, Haldir, Legolas, Elves, Orlando Bloom Gallery, Midsomer Murders, Graham Norton, TLR. Pirates of the Caribbean, Hugo Weaving ARTICLES Archive for all Lord of the Rings-related articles I wrote. GAMES THINGS YOU SENT US LINKS WEBRINGS GUESTBOOK MAIL US RAT PACK Official Magic Rat fanlisting |
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