(c) Pira
It's one of the most exciting things for me to know that a number of highly talented artists got inspired by my silly stories to sit down and create such amazing artwork. I have no words to describe this feeling - I am honoured. Here are the drawings they did, basing on my stories, and I would like to thank them with all my heart for letting me use them here.

(c) for everything here is with the artists who so kindly and generously shared their art with us, so please: do NOT use their artwork anywhere else without asking them first.
GLORFINDEL & ERESTOR (final scene of "The Knave") by Pira

"No," Fin said, and threw the amazed advisor over his shoulder, carrying him through the library and out of the door, just like he had done on that fateful night at the beginning of their relationship, "I will not leave you. We will now go up to our chamber, lock the door and get involved in the production of another Elfling. Elbereth be my witness, I would rather have 20 of the little rascals running around my study and trashing my furniture than ever have to see you kissing Gil-galad again - this will give me nightmares for at least a century, if not more!"

With that, he hastened up the stairs, taking two steps in one, and Erestor, who was hanging over his shoulder like a sack of flour, did the only thing a self-respecting Elf could do under such conditions: He purred.
Erestor Wants Some Glori... pretty please? by Pira

Erestor Sneaks A Peek! (from "The Knave")
by Pira

"Come to your senses, Erestor - this is NOT possible! The artist must have gotten something wrong! Erestor! Put that thing away!"
"Erestor and Glorfindel try Position No. 17"
by Pira

It goes without saying that everybody turned their monitors upside down to see the drawing in the book Erestor reads (drawing above). Pira was kind enough to enlighten us on WHAT Erestor and Glorfindel are practicising in their bedchamber...
"Elladan has things all wrapped up for Yule" (from "The (Tw)Elf Days of Yule - Day 3") by Pira
"So, what will you give your husband-of-thirty-days for Yule? Anything special?"

Elladan grinned, and it was a decidedly wicked grin.
"Yes – I have decided I will place myself under the Yule tree."

Elrohir frowned. "Yourself? What do you mean by this?"

Another giggle from Elladan.
"It means it will just be me, wearing nothing but a bow."
Elrohir spied bathing by Namo (from "The Knave") by Pira

"With all due respect, my lord – if you are here for distraction, why do you seek me out during my morning bath? Why not visit my father or Lord Glorfindel?"

The other Elf rolled onto his front again, propping his elbow and resting his head on his hand, looking at Elrohir with amusement.

"Rest assured, young Elrohir, that you are a far more pleasurable distraction than your father or my cherished Glorfindel could ever be."
Elrohir lost in thought (from "Finding Námo") by Pira

Pira sent me this picture as a cheer-up, when I was up to my neck in work:

"...I will let her get a few gulps of air, a minute or two of shut-eye and a whiff of coffee before I start making whimpering noises on behalf of her fans wondering just WHEN the new story FINDING NAMO will start up....NO pressure mind you. Just a bribe with a piccie of one of the cast in the story...cute little half-elven, pondering the workings of a Valar's mind and the stirrings of his own heart....just curious...and hopeful...

Artist wanders off, whistling innocently"
Amaris (from "The Knave" and "Finding Námo") by Pira

Pira has outdone herself with this beautiful, beautiful drawing of Amaris - I have it framed over my desk, and love it to bits. She got everything right - the tattoos, the expression - and the eyes. Wow.

"Dead for many centuries and returned from Mandos halls, he is a force to be reckoned with...Handsome, sardonic, champion of his younger brother, Thranduil ~ King of Mirkwood, the object of desire of most every elf that claps eyes on him and he could quite probably sing the birds out the trees too....or if that fails, shoot them blind folded.

Really the elf is just too perfect for words (go ask Legolas...it is driving him up the Mallorn)....yet, this Lord of Mirkwood couldn't care less about any of the attention bestowed upon him, for his heart secretly belongs to someone who is simply, amazingly, clueless."
Just a normal family by Sildil

This stunning picture was drawn by the most talented Sildil, and it shows Glorfindel, Erestor and Estorel. Erestor is teaching Estorel the letters.

I love it! Thanks so much!!!
Finding Námo, picture 1

Sildil has done it again, this time with an adorable picture of Elladan, Orophin and Eldanar, the little peredhel that Orophin and Haldir have found in the woods. The child needs a new home...
Finding Námo, picture 2

I love the way Sildil draws Eldanar! Here you can see the little peredhel talk to Námo himself, though he does not know that he is talking to the Vala of Death. Námo tries to convince Eldanar that running away is no solution.
Finding Námo, picture 3

This is my favourite picture by Sildil (though I love them all). This is the scene in chapter 2 where Elrohir "dies" and finds himself in Námo's company. He plays with one of the Vala's braids and notices that the hair seems to have a life on its own...
Finding Námo, picture 4

Sildil had me laughing for 15 minutes flat with this picture. It shows a scene from chapter 6 of "Finding Námo", and especially Eldanar's tongue makes me howl.

Orophin, however, seems less amused...
How to make Master Erestor blush...

"My dearest Master Erestor,

Master of story and of lore,
for all the fun you've given me
with a lecture of much glee,
I'd like to say thank you
in the best way that I can,
Namo with the face of Keanu,
I hope you're still his fan.
With rhyming do I seriously suck,
for this with drawing I am stuck.

Yours, Susi ;)"
Námo and Elrohir (from "Finding Námo") by Nellas

Nellas of Doriath is a fantastic artist, and I find her portrayal of Námo very touching. It's a beautiful scene which captures perfectly the mood I tried to describe in my story.

Again, I'm deeply humbled that an artist felt inspired to create something so beautiful. Thank you so much!
Glorfindel and Erestor by Daga

This beautiful drawing was sent in by Daga, and I absolutely adore it. Look at Erestor's hair - amazing! Thank you!!!
Namo by Daga

Just like me, Daga has been playing with the title - absolutely love this drawing, thanks so much! Whee!
Melpomaen and Estorel by Daga

This adorable picture by Daga shows Melpomaen carrying little Estorel, the son of Erestor and Glorfindel. Daga really managed to capture the picture I had in my mind when I wrote the last chapter of "Shelter". I love it. Absolutely love it. Thanks so much!
Erestor and Glorfinkle

Suse the amazing sent me this picture - fantastic, isn't it? I really love the general feel of the picture. Wow! So much talent!
Amaris of Mirkwood by Dusty

Thranduil's older brother seems to inspire quite a few people - this interpretation here comes from Dusty. It's amazing to see how people imagine Amaris' tattoos to look! Kudos my dear, and thanks for sharing!
Námo, the Vala of Death

captured by Dreamstone. And wouldn't we just all love to know what makes the enigmatic Vala smile? I can't help but wonder if he's watching Elrohir again... great work, thanks a lot!
Dreamstone must have worked overtime! Just look at these gorgeous pictures of Amaris and Erestor - isn't Amaris' look adorable? :-)
Needless to say - Dwarfy made Master Erestor's day with this portrait of "Not-Haldir"... thank you! <B